

Extension Center Level Two Courses

More than sixty courses are included in this series. These courses are ideally suited for persons who have completed at least their high school diploma but have been unable to continue their education. Although you may enroll in these courses without a high school diploma or GED, you will not be able too earn credit toward a Seminary Extension certificate or diploma, and these courses cannot be transferred to other educational institutions as credit hour bearing courses. (For more information, contact Seminary Extension or refer to the catalog under the section heading "SE Policies, Transcripts".) By law, we are required to inform you that no institution is required to accept credits earned through Seminary Extension. If you intend to transfer Seminary Extension credits to another institution, you should contact the school to which you intend to transfer credits before enrolling in a Seminary Extension course. This is true of all institutions, including Seminary Extension. Level Two courses provide excellent learning opportunities for all church members, including bivocational and fully-compensated ministers who are interested in equipping themselves for life and ministry. Individuals that already have a seminary degree or other training may also find these courses helpful as refresher studies.

Diploma Courses: Biblical

BB 2102 Biblical Backgrounds
BB 3100 How To Understand The Bible
NT 2171 Mark
NT 2175 Romans
NT 2176 First Corinthians
NT 2177 Galatians
NT 2179 Philippians, Colossians & Philemon
NT 2181 1 & 2 Thessalonians
NT 2182 1 & 2 Timothy
NT 2187 James
NT 2190 Revelation
NT 2270 Matthew
NT 2273 John
NT 2274 Acts
NT 3166 New Testament Survey, Part 1
NT 3167 New Testament Survey, Part 2
NT 3172 Luke
OT 2133 Nehemiah
OT 2206 Genesis, Part I
OT 3103 Old Testament Survey, Part 1
OT 3104 Old Testament Survey, Part II
OT 3125 Isaiah
OT 3132 Amos
OT 3207 Exodus
OT 3226 Jeremiah

Diploma Courses: Theological

CE 3231 Introduction to Christian Ethics
CH 2313 Southern Baptist Heritage
CH 3211 History of Christianity
CH 3212 History of Christian Thought
MS 2222 Survey of Baptist Missions
MS 3223 Contemporary World Religions
TH 2302 Philosophy Of Religion
TH 3200 Systematic Theology
TH 3201 New Testament Theology

Diploma Courses: Practical

CA 3281 Principles of Church Administration
CD 2390 How To Plant A Church
CE 2232 Marriage and Family
CE 2233 Women Leading Women
GM 2500 Formation For Ministry
GM 2501 Disciplines of Discipleship
GM 2565 The Bivocational Pastor
PM 2254 Public Worship
PM 2255 Evangelism
PM 2258 Pastoral Leadership In A Small Church
PM 3257 Contemporary Christian Preaching
PM 3259 Pastoral Ministry
PM 3351 Pastoral Care
RE 2262 Childhood Education in the Church
RE 2265 Working With Youth in the Church
RE 3260 Educational Ministry in the Church
RE 3264 Dynamics of Teaching